Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Video is Worth.... well... Quite a Few Words!

I decided to have Jake do a little talking for the camera today. Video below of him showing off his vast knowledge of animal sounds and then some of his favorite words as well. His vocabulary is up at about 75-100 words now and he keeps on saying new things every day. One of his favorite new words is "backpack". He got his first backpack the other day and it is by far his most prized possession :-)

Video isn't the BEST.... I was holding Josh and trying to balance being down on my knees at the same time so I could capture the video at Jake's level. Oh and Jake was eating a Gogurt (yes, yogurt in a tube) as we were doing this. Still fun! He has come such a long way.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Josh has his first tooth coming in! It's the typical bottom middle tooth (the one to the right). We figured he was teething and for the first time today, you can see the little white line starting to cut on through!

In other news, at his 4 month check-up, Josh was:
14 lbs. 1 oz -- 33%
25 3/4 inches -- 85%
He is going to be built just like Jake. And even though we think he is so much bigger and chunkier than Jake was, Jake was 13 lbs. 1 oz at his 4 month check-up so they aren't too far off!

Oh and a big HECK YES for Josh sleeping through the night now. A whole 3 months sooner than his big bro did!! Mommy is very happy about that :-)

Walking with Dinosaurs

Paul and I took Jake to Walking with Dinosaurs at the Verizon Center on Friday. The link to the site about the show is here -- We weren't sure if Jake was going to be scared or overwhelmed but we both figured he would love it so we gave it a shot.... And oh boy did he love it! He sat there wide eyed during the entire show. It's meant to be an educational show about the history of dinosaurs on the planet so of course he didn't really get that part but he sure did love it every time a new dinosaur came out on the stage! We heard quite a few "whoah"s, "uh-oh"s, and "yay"s through the evening.

After the show, we bought Jake a set of 4 of his very own dinosaurs and all weekend long he has been going around the house with them yelling "ROOOOOAAAAR" and making them play with one another. He even has used T-Rex to help him eat his food. Too funny!

We couldn't really get good photos since it was dark and flash photography wasn't allowed but I have included a couple of videos below!

Kings Dominion

Last weekend we took Jake on his first trip to Kings Dominion! It's about 90 minutes from where we live. It was Booz Allen Hamilton family day there; the whole park was rented out to Booz Allen employees, family, and friends. (So it was free!) They gave us a great BBQ lunch and free drinks around the park as well. Jake and I went with Grandma and Grandpa (Paul's parents) and Aunt Allison.

Bottom line is that Jake had a GREAT time. He loved the kiddie rides and the highlight of his day was definitely getting his picture taken with Scooby Doo and Spongebob! I have included some pictures and a video below. Paul was on his whitewater rafting trip so he wasn't able to come with us but we hope to go back there with Jake again soon so Daddy can enjoy the time too!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cereal and Stuff

Josh has been eating rice cereal for about a week now. I expected it to take a couple of weeks for him to get used to it and really start chowing. So the first night we made a little bit for him and he spit a lot of it out and wasn't too interested. Thinking the same thing would happen the second night, I made a little bit of a smaller bowl. Think again! He decided that he was ready to chow down!! He opens up his mouth and goes right for the spoon. The serving suggestion is 1-2 Tbs per serving but he is definitely eating 2-3 Tbs twice a day and enjoying every second of it. Might I also mention that he is sleeping through the night now! (Or at least 3 of the last 5 nights, and I'll take it!)

I was quite surprised to find out that Josh is a thumb sucker because Jake never was. I love watching him do it; I think it's so cute!! He won't take a pacifier (nummy) at all but that's okay because he has his thumb!

I wish I had a picture of this (kind of had my hands full!) but the other night, Jake and Josh took their first bath together. Really it was Jake's bath and I just stripped down Josh and stuck him in the water for the fun of it. Josh liked the first couple of minutes but he didn't seem to like being in the big open tub of water as opposed to his snug infant bathtub. Jake got a kick out of having Josh in the bath with him but I think we have a little ways to go before they can really take a bath together :-)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Jake & Josh Photos

A couple new ones of the boys...

Josh is 4 months old today! He goes in for his 4 month check-up tomorrow morning.

Jake is TALKING up a storm these days and loving school.

Jake at Uncle Nick's house... getting so tall wearing those 3T clothes!

Jake and Papa on the bike! This is the first time we were ever able to get Jake to sit on Papa's lap on the motorcycle.

Joshy playing with his elephant in the swing.... note the long legs hanging over!

Josh just as happy as can be @ 4 months old!