Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Almost One!
Unbelievable that Jake is going to be one in less than a week... he is babbling up a storm and saying lots of baba, mama, and dada though I don't think he quite gets that I am mama and Paul is dada. He is cruising all over the place though and getting more and more confident with his steps every day. Yesterday we went to the pool and I put him in his little floatie thing and he immediately started putting his face in the water and blew bubbles... well, sort of... he did a lot of drinking of the water as well :-) My little swimmer man!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wedding Photos!!
The wedding photos are here!!
Here is the link: http://www.roe-photo.com/
Click on Client Proofs and enter the password gunnings.
Here is the link: http://www.roe-photo.com/
Click on Client Proofs and enter the password gunnings.
Trip to Wegmans
Today I went to lunch at Wegmans with Jenn. There were so many mamas there with their kids, even some with the littlest babies! Whenever I am some place like that while I am at work and without Jake, it makes me think about being a stay at home mom so I can always be with him. I sure do miss the little guy during the day while I am at work. But then when I am back at work, I remember that my job isn't so bad and it sure does allow us to give Jake everything that we want to be able to give him and provide for our family. Our family's balance of work and personal life is good and I should remember to always be grateful about being able to say that and really mean it. Of course if Paul could just be home more often on the weekends then we would really be set..... !!
Jake's Nummys
Jake hasn't attached himself to a blanket or to a stuffed animal or anything like that. No, instead he has attached himself to his nummys (pacifiers for those of you not familiar with the term 'nummy'). He goes to sleep with one in his mouth and then has to sleep with one in each hand. By the time he passes out, all three of them are scattered throughout his crib. But boy is it ever cute to see him clutching those nummys for dear life.
I wonder how I will feel about that when he is like 3 or 4..... :-)
I wonder how I will feel about that when he is like 3 or 4..... :-)

Welcome to our blog! I was always a little hesitant about starting a blog but I came to the realization that I always have so much to say and share that it would be fun to do one! Plus all the cool kids are doing it these days :-)
Who knows, maybe I will even be able to get Paul to contribute to it!
Who knows, maybe I will even be able to get Paul to contribute to it!
This picture is from the three of us at our wedding -- Abby, Jacob, and Paul (June 22, 2008). Jacob is almost 11 months old in this picture. He'll be ONE in less than 2 weeks! I can't believe how fast the last year has gone. It has been the most amazing thing to watch him grow and become such a little person. He's the coolest little man that I know!
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