Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Trip to Wegmans

Today I went to lunch at Wegmans with Jenn. There were so many mamas there with their kids, even some with the littlest babies! Whenever I am some place like that while I am at work and without Jake, it makes me think about being a stay at home mom so I can always be with him. I sure do miss the little guy during the day while I am at work. But then when I am back at work, I remember that my job isn't so bad and it sure does allow us to give Jake everything that we want to be able to give him and provide for our family. Our family's balance of work and personal life is good and I should remember to always be grateful about being able to say that and really mean it. Of course if Paul could just be home more often on the weekends then we would really be set..... !!

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