Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jake's Check Up

Jake had his 18 month check-up today. He received two shots, but was a trooper. Daddy said he didn't even cry! Amazing since he has screamed his head off for every shot he has gotten when I have been with him.

Here are his latest stats:
-- 25 lbs. 1 oz. (39%)
-- 35 inches (98%)
-- 18 3/4" head (45%)

Long and lean little man! He gets that from his mommy. I was super skinny as a kid; the doctors always thought that I didn't eat enough even though I ate like a pig.

He's right on track with his development except for a possible tiny concern in the area of his speaking. He really doesn't say any words that we can actually understand and the average 18 month old says about 15 words. He talks a lot, but in his own language. His pediatrician isn't too concerned and thinks he might just be a little delayed to speak (she said they have a vocabulary boom between 18 and 24 months), but she recommended we call our local Infant & Toddler Connection program to see about early intervention with a speech therapist and a developmental evaluation session. Better to seek out help early on so he is a chatty little 5 year old :-)

But overall, Jake is doing great. He's back at daycare today after a week long bout of diarrhea and couldn't be more thrilled to be there!

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