Monday, July 20, 2009

Funny Jake Sleep Story

Just a quick anecdote to share...

As you know, we have struggled for the last month or so with Jake sleeping in his new toddler bed (since he so conveniently figured out how to climb out of his crib WAY before we were ready for him to). Well we have had a breakthrough over the past week. It started off with about an hour of screaming and wailing from behind the gate we have up on his door but that quickly subsided to just a two to three minute fit.

His newest thing (and he has done this to me twice now), is screaming for about 30-60 seconds and then he shuts the door behind him and climbs into his bed and goes to sleep. The twist on that tonight was that he laid in bed quietly after I left him then about 5 minutes later, he screamed for a minute and then slammed the door and was quiet. About 5 minutes after that, he opened the door and screamed for another minute at the gate and then slammed the door shut again. He did this about 4 times and now he has been quiet for about 45 minutes so I assume he is sound asleep at this point.

What a little stinker. I couldn't help but laugh to myself as he did it. I would have expected that sort of defiance from a teenager perhaps so it was quite amusing to see it come from a 2 year old!! Oh my sweet Jakey :-)

1 comment:

diane grant said...

Hi I'm still laughing
what a kid!!! Good JOB Mom!!!!!