Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cox Farms 2009

Two weekends ago we went to Cox Farms to ring in the beginning of Fall. Lucky for us it was a beautiful sunny and warm day. A lot has changed in terms of the weather in the last two weeks! Now it is 40 degrees and rainy.

Jake had a lot of fun playing with Chloe. The highlight of the trip was the hayride... it was a really good one! Josh had a blast being carried around in the baby bjorn and then falling asleep on Aunt Gretchen's chest. Paul and Nick were there too.

Slideshow below of some of the pictures from the trip.

In other news, Josh is now almost 16 pounds -- about 40th percentile for weight. However, he is super long so he is almost out of 6 month clothes now (especially pants and PJ's). He LOVES to eat cereal and I know he will be super excited to start fruits and veggies in the next couple of weeks. He is sleeping for 9-12 hour stretches at a time and continues to be the happiest baby on the face of the earth! Jake has transformed into an amazing little boy who holds conversations with you! His terrible two's have subsided quite a bit so we have been having lots of fun. He is back to sleeping through the night and is even starting to sleep in a little longer in the mornings. When he goes to bed around 8pm, he sleeps until about 7 or 7:30am. A big improvement over his usual 6am wakings!

Speaking of the big guy, he is clinging to my back asking for a "giddy up" (piggyback ride) so off we go!

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