Wednesday, January 21, 2009

6 Month Update

DR: Hi, how are you today Mrs. Gunning? How are things going?
Abby: Pretty good. No real changes in the last two weeks.

DR: Are you feeling the baby move a lot?
Abby: Oh yah, A LOT! He is very active and moves all the time. He kicks down really low most of the time. (Probably trying to escape...)

DR: How are the contractions? Are you still having them?
Abby: Oh yah, still having them... But they aren't frequent and they aren't painful. Maybe a couple times an hour.
DR: Okay, I am not too concerned about that then. Let's do a quick exam...

(We'll leave out that part.)

DR: Everything still looks good. Good stitch. I feel good about it. I have another lady whose stitch isn't as good and it makes me a little nervous. (Gee, glad I ended up with the good stitch!)

(Measures height of uterus -- now above my belly button BTW! And listens to the baby's heartbeat.)
DR: The baby's size is good. Heartbeat is about 140 which is good. Sounds like you could put some rap music to it (laughter).

DR: So the best thing you can do right now is stay at home and rest. Gravity isn't doing you any favors when you're on your feet. You're staying home now right?
Abby: I have been on bed rest for the last two weeks.
DR: You have work to do from home?
Abby: Yes, I have plenty of work that I can do from home.
DR: Oh good so you're not driving your husband crazy then.
Paul: No, she still drives me crazy.
Nurse: But didn't you agree in your wedding vows to have and to hold, love and to cherish, even when she drives you crazy on bed rest?
Abby: That's right.
(Some more small talk and then the doctor and nurse leave and I get dressed.)
Paul: Did you notice that Vu is sporting a mohawk today?
Abby: Nah, I missed that!
Paul: Check it out.
(We go to Dr. Vu's office for a summary review and next steps.)
DR: Okay so at your next appointment you'll do your glucose screening. We'll make your next appointment for about 4 weeks from now at 28 weeks. Oh, we also need to discuss if you want to have another c-section.
Abby: Yes, I want to have another c-section.
DR: That's what they all say.
DR: Let's take a quick look at your stats and weight chart. Oh, you've gained 7 pounds since your last check-up 2 weeks ago. Is that reasonable?

(Lots of laughs from Abby and Paul.)

Abby: Ummm, yah. I have been really hungry lately.
Paul: Yah you ate a whole cake the other day!
DR: Well you know you gain the most weight when you're pregnant from eating sweets.
Paul: Too bad every tooth in her mouth is a sweet tooth.
Abby: Yah but I eat a lot of good stuff too! It's just a lot of everything lately.
DR: Well the size of the baby is good, if the baby was getting too big then I would be concerned but at this point, it's just something you need to worry about for AFTER the baby is born.
Abby: Don't worry, Paul will be on my case about it.
(We leave the doctor's office and make an appointment with the receptionist for about 4 weeks from now.)

Abby: Vu did have a mohawk going on.
Paul: Told ya.
Abby: Let's go to Pot Belly. I'm really hungry.

24 weeks pregnant

1 comment:

GiGi said...

you do not look that big in person!!! Mom G.