Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Update

Quick update on my doctor's appointment today:
--baby is doing quite well, growing well, very active, hard to find the heartbeat because he kept moving!
--we got to see the little guy on the sonogram today, purpose was to check the heartbeat since we couldn't find it on the doppler, it was about 150bpm which is normal
--he is kicking and punching me non-stop!
Sometimes it hurts!

On to the more medical stuff:
--put me on the contraction monitor for 10 minutes, didn't have any contractions so that was good news. Based on that, decided not to put me on any medication at this point (like the yucky terbutaline). I can feel painless contractions throughout the day but they aren't regular or spaced extremely close together. (The nurse said to me, "really, even this early on?". I said, "yes, even this early on... trust me".)
--cervix has shortened slightly but not enough to be concerned. I didn't know this but 3cm or longer is what they want to see. Mine is 3cm. It's still stitched shut very nicely!! (my apologies, all of that info gives me the heebie geebies too)
--best we can do right now is bed rest and of course the cerclage that was done almost 2 months ago, might use medication down the road if needed
--between 28-30 weeks I will get a steroid shot to speed up/ improve the baby's lung and brain development in case he is born prematurely
--I asked, bottom line, what are the chances of this baby being born early. The response - without the cerclage and bed rest I would most certainly have this baby even earlier than Jake. With the cerclage and bed rest, it's estimated about a 60% chance of making it to 36 weeks or beyond.

Hey I will take it! We have a healthy little baby growing here. I think everything is going to go well and while it might be a very long 12-18 weeks, I will be so ecstatic to make it to the finish line with a new little bundle of joy to bring home. Jake needs a playmate!!

1 comment:

Sims Family said...

Well if you're going to go early, my birthday is April 14th :)