Sunday, May 3, 2009

False Labor!

38 weeks, 5 days today.
Should I share the weight gain.... hmmm, why not..... FIFTY POUNDS! Whew, that is going to be a lot to work off! My disclaimer is that I think about 10 pounds of it is fluid retention from my legs and feet which are like three times their normal size. At my last check-up on Thursday, I was 1 cm. dilated and 70% effaced. That doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot because some women can be like that for a week or more without going into labor but at least a teensy bit of progress has been made!

Last night at around 11pm, I started having painful contractions that were about 8-9 minutes apart. I thought for sure that it was time and told Paul that he could keep sleeping but to be prepared for me to wake him up. The contractions weren't unbearable but they were definitely feeling like real labor pains. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.... I started to get upset thinking about leaving Jake for a couple of days and worrying about his adjustment to his new little brother. But then part of me was excited and ready to do this. I also didn't want to go all the way to Fair Oaks hospital in the middle of the night if I wasn't 100% sure plus they tell you to wait until the contractions are about 5 minutes apart so I sat and waited to see if they would get stronger and closer together. At around 1:30am they started to subside and I finally fell asleep. (Well sleep was on and off... I kept waking up every hour or so.) Today I have had some painful contractions but nothing regular or progressing. Looks like I might just deal with false labor for three more days. This little man sure is giving us a run for our money!

PS -- Paul and Jake and I did a huge Wegman's grocery shopping today to stock up before the baby comes. Can I just tell you how many people either stared at me (or my belly) or actually came up to me and asked me when I was due? Very funny looks. When I said, "this week", they all said "yah that's what I would have guessed.... good luck!". Yes, I know none of my clothes really fit so well anymore. Even Paul's don't fit so great. I am making due the best I can!

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