Friday, February 27, 2009

The Sweetest Thing

Jake has done quite a few sweet things in his lifetime; he is a very loving little boy. But nothing made me tear up quite as much as last night when I was leaning my head on him and he turned his head and kissed my forehead. Enough to make you melt....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jake & Paul's Kid Drop Zone Adventure

Today Paul took Jake to Kid Drop Zone for the first time. It's right up the street from us in Haymarket. It's basically an indoor playground, themed like a house where kids can do stuff that they can't normally do in their own house like "slide down the laundry chute", "jump on the bed", "jump on the furniture", and "swing from the chandelier". (Okay so Jake didn't partake in the last activity... he's a little young!)

The slideshow below is from their adventure today.

Paul said it was pretty neat and Jake had a good time even though some of the activities were geared a little more towards older kids. Jake still had a blast and it wore him out. It was a nice change of scenery for him!

Kid Drop Zone!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Jake is Ready for Swim Class!!

Photo courtesy of Auntie G!!

Swim lessons are going to be our "mommy and me" activity after the new baby is born. Can't wait! Jake's last swim classes were when he was 9 months old and he loved them.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Applesauce is so much fun!

I'm not sure why all of the pictures we have been capturing lately have been of Jake eating, but they always make for a good photomontage! He has become much more proficient with using a spoon and fork and always wants to try to do it himself so we oblige. After all, messy practice makes perfect! We just try to coincide the messy meals with bath night :-)

(Disclaimer: if I was able to actually leave the house and do anything exciting, I'd probably have much better pictures to share! Stay tuned for more exciting spring/summer pictures.)

Yum, yum, I love applesauce! Especially when it makes it all into my mouth from the spoon. (Can't tell too well from the picture, but it's all over his face.)

Concentrating really hard on getting some on the spoon so I can eat it!!

Moving on to eating it with my hands..... Sometimes it's just easier that way!

And the final phase -- dumping the applesauce on my tray. This requires quick action on the part of my food monitor before I spread this all over my tray and rub it all over my face and hair! hee hee hee!

But at the end of the day, I am a huge help by cleaning up! (I kid you not, he really did take the towel around and wipe down the table and the floor.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This Week.....

The baby is the size of a chinese cabbage. What does a chinese cabbage look like you might ask? Well I wasn't sure either so here you go:
Yep, that's my little boy..... green cabbage!

By this week, the baby weighs two and a quarter pounds and measures 15 inches from the top of the head to heels. He can open and close his eyes, which now sport lashes. Allison could hear the baby's heartbeat by pressing her ear up against my belly. Pretty neat!!

And Fact of the Week:
New dads experience hormonal changes, such as dips in testosterone and increases in estrogen, which are linked to nurturing.
Paul would never admit that though.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Third Trimester

Did I forget this incredibly quickly what the third trimester is like, or did my body not mind it as much when I was pregnant with Jake? Or have I just been on bed rest for 6 weeks with 6 weeks left to go? :-) Okay so the 3rd trimester technically starts in about 3 hours but it may as well have started two weeks ago.

Kate - how in the heck did you stand up at my wedding for so long and DANCE all night when you were 9 months pregnant?!?!? You are a trooper. I was pained to stand at the stove and make mac & cheese for dinner tonight!

I am just now reflecting on how true it is what they say about feeling great during your second trimester. I felt so NORMAL! Of course it was also a relief to not feel nauseous all day long. What a joy to be able to start eating again! Now sometimes it feels like more effort than it's worth to move. Carrying the extra weight is putting a huge strain on my back (and I never get backaches) and sleeping at night is getting more difficult. The worst symptom that I had when I was pregnant with Jake is back too -- acid reflux and indigestion. Try sleeping sitting upright at night to relieve some of that discomfort! Thank goodness for Mylanta. Did I mention my insatiable appetite? Pretty much as soon as I am done eating, I want something else to eat.

Now I remember why at 34 weeks, I was sooooo ready for Jake to make his grand entrance. I won't say the same about this little guy at 28 weeks because that's just darn right scary but I will be happy to hold the little man in my arms instead of carrying him and this extra weight around in my belly! Here's to 12 more weeks!! (I am going to go eat ANOTHER dinner now.)

Friday, February 13, 2009

7 Month Update & Stuff

Today was my 7 month check-up. It's been about 4 weeks since the last time I saw my OB so I was anxious to see what he had to say. It's pretty easy to guess the main topic of conversation -- the contractions. I have been having them a lot more frequently, even more so whenever I am on my feet. My OB put me on the contraction monitor again (and I laid there thinking I wouldn't have any contractions OF COURSE because I was being monitored) and he was able to witness at least one in the less than 10 minutes that I was laying there. So, what does that mean? Well, we're at a point in the pregnancy where we want to take additional precautions to halt preterm labor. This is the exact same point in time when I was pregnant with Jake that they diagnosed me in preterm labor. We're doing all of the same stuff this time that we did last time. The only difference is that my cervix is still closed and the stitches are holding in place. Which is a medical miracle we're bound to be thankful for when this is all over.

I received the steroid shot today to speed up the development of the baby's lungs in case he's born prematurely. It's really only most effective for up to a month but if the baby were born between now and 32 weeks, that would be an extemely critical time for his lung development to be as good as it could possibly be. Jake was born at 34 weeks and he had virtually no respiratory problems. I have to go get the other shot tomorrow (you get two over a 24 hour period). And my OB also started me on meds to lessen the contractions. He started me off on the procardia instead of terbutaline. Procardia is approved for use in patients with high blood pressure but it has a pretty well documented secondary use for pregnant women in preterm labor. It basically relaxes the muscles and eases up any contractions. If the contractions keep coming at more than 6 an hour then I will have to go back in and they will likely put me on terbutaline, which is the nasty one that makes you feel like you drank 10 cups of coffee. So far so good... I have only taken one dose of the medicine and I have noticed a decrease in the number of contractions. The worst side effect is headaches, but I can live with that!

Even though I was expecting all of this and second time around, it's a heck of a lot LESS traumatizing, it was still upsetting to get the steroid shot and think about the possiblities of the little guy being born early. Everything fell into perspective really quickly. I do have a good feeling about how all of this will turn out though. I even started my overnight bag for the hospital because I figure if I have that ready to go, he sure as heck will stay in until May!! Last time I didn't have my overnight bag packed and look at what happened (Gretchen was right!). We also need to start planning for scenarios if I go into labor or my water breaks and I am home alone with Jake (because I am sure there is a 95% chance that is what will happen just to make it interesting!!).

I did the glucose test today to see if there are any concerns about gestational diabetes (this is completely routine for this point in the pregnancy). All of the moms out there know -- they make you drink about 8 oz. of really concentrated but non-carbonated orange soda.... in 5 minutes. Then you get your blood drawn an hour later for testing purposes. I haven't gotten the results back yet, but no real concerns there.

Baby's heartbeat remains strong and he is growing well. My uterus has expanded tremendously and is now up against my rib cage which is starting to make things a little uncomfortable. The little guy moves A LOT. More than I remember Jake moving, but maybe I am just more aware of it this time. I gained 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks which is much more on track than the 7 pounds I gained in 2 weeks (but I chalk that up to just catching up!). Total so far, I have gained 22 pounds. Not that I am all that concerned with the weight gain, I just think it's interesting to keep track of how much weight I have gained. I ended up with an extra 35 pounds right before Jake was born.

Oh and the cutest thing of all.... if you ask Jake where his baby brother is, he will lift up my shirt and give my tummy a kiss and lay his head down on it. It's probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen in my whole life.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Love Ice Cream!!!

This stuff is sooooo good! Thanks, mom!
I think I might need a bath now!

Jake and Chloe's Adventure!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jake's Check Up

Jake had his 18 month check-up today. He received two shots, but was a trooper. Daddy said he didn't even cry! Amazing since he has screamed his head off for every shot he has gotten when I have been with him.

Here are his latest stats:
-- 25 lbs. 1 oz. (39%)
-- 35 inches (98%)
-- 18 3/4" head (45%)

Long and lean little man! He gets that from his mommy. I was super skinny as a kid; the doctors always thought that I didn't eat enough even though I ate like a pig.

He's right on track with his development except for a possible tiny concern in the area of his speaking. He really doesn't say any words that we can actually understand and the average 18 month old says about 15 words. He talks a lot, but in his own language. His pediatrician isn't too concerned and thinks he might just be a little delayed to speak (she said they have a vocabulary boom between 18 and 24 months), but she recommended we call our local Infant & Toddler Connection program to see about early intervention with a speech therapist and a developmental evaluation session. Better to seek out help early on so he is a chatty little 5 year old :-)

But overall, Jake is doing great. He's back at daycare today after a week long bout of diarrhea and couldn't be more thrilled to be there!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy 18 Month Birthday Baby!

Dear Jakey,

I can't believe how you have grown from a teeny, tiny 5 pound baby boy to a curious, active, silly 25 pound toddler. It has been my absolute pleasure and honor to be your mom for the last year and a half and I can't wait to see what the rest of your childhood brings.

You have become this little person who understands everything we say -- from asking you to take your jacket off (and you try to unzip it), throwing away trash (and you abide almost every time), to asking you if you want cheese (and you open the fridge in a fit of giggles and point to the drawer containing the cheese). You aren't saying a lot of words yet, but you have conversations in your own language, complete with the right facial expressions and tones in your voice.

Quite frankly my dear, you eat like a pig, and I am astonished by the amount of food you consume each and every day. We feed you a consistent breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but you ask for snacks all day long as well. Some of your favorite foods are bananas, strawberries, cheese, grapes, goldfish, applesauce, gogurts, chicken nuggets, french fries with ketchup, and cookies. Your favorite drink is apple juice though you have recently started to love drinking water out of a straw - from anyone's cup who will let you. Yesterday you had your first juice box, a true culmination of toddlerhood. You haven't had a bottle of milk in over a week and you're pretty resistent to drinking milk out of a sippy cup but last night we realized that you like it better if it's room temperature - no cold milk for you.

You started sleeping through the night when you were 7 months old (a little later than your peers!) and your mommy and daddy have enjoyed sleeping through the night for the last 11 months or so. Recently you have discovered that it is a lot more fun to stay up at night and play. Unless you are utterly exhausted from the day, you have been going to bed between 9 and 11 for the last week. Your normal bedtime used to be between 7:30 and 8! I am hoping that this is just a phase and you will return to your regular routine again soon. You are at an inbetween stage with naps - sometimes you need two but a lot of the time you only need one. Sometimes the nap is from 10-1 and sometimes it is from 2-4.... all depending on what time you went to bed the night before and what time you got up in the morning! For so long your sleep schedule was completely predictable but I appreciate you switching it up and keeping us on our toes!

You are a very sweet little boy and you play extremely well with others. You have never bitten another child or purposely tried to hurt someone else. You love to give hugs and you have even started to give kisses! Every once in a while you will hit mommy or daddy or another family member, but I know you are just learning and don't mean it out of anger. But we still tell you "no hit, that hurts!". You love your doggies. You give love pats to Mosley all day long and scream with glee when you see him. You especially love it when he chases you around the kitchen in circles. You are very nice to Bailey and you seem to understand that he isn't as much of a kid lover as Mosley and you leave him alone for the most part.

You are very silly and love to play. Your are a very happy child. Your laughs and giggles never fail to disappoint and most of the time end up being contagious! Every time music turns on or someone starts singing, you start dancing! You sway back and forth to the ABC song and you turn in circles for 'Ring Around the Rosie'. A big smile comes over your face when you start dancing. You must have gotten the music bug from daddy (he is thrilled). Some of your favorites toys are your motorized 4-wheeler, tool bench, puzzles, and blocks. You are very interested in how things come apart and how they go back together. You would plug and unplug an electrical outlet for hours and scream in delight if we let you. You are very good with your puzzles. You can put together some of them like you have been doing it for years! You are very curious about any grown up activities and like to partake whenever possible - like sweeping the floor with your little sweeper, helping us to unload the dishwasher, or putting a new trash bag in the trash can. I know it's winter right now and cold outside, but I can't forget about how much you love the playground, especially the slides and swings! You're learning your body parts and love to show us where your tummy is and where your ears are.

You are beginning to enter in to the phase of your terrible 2's... I am sure it's very frustrating for you to know what you want but not be able to tell us. Those situations often turn in to mini-meltdowns where you throw yourself of the ground and "fake cry". You snap out of it very quickly though and you are kind enough to not have little tantrums in public (yet!). You are a little stubborn... you do not like it when you don't get your own way. I think perhaps you got that from mommy, sorry about that! But you know what you want and when you want it, and that can be a good trait for later in life if you use it the right way.

You're not very interested in potty training yet and we're okay with that. I am not in any big rush to move you to the toilet. I know you will do it when you're ready. You still fit in your size 6 diapers so for now we're okay. Diapers don't go bigger than size 6 though so I hope you stay in those for a while longer! You are still in your crib. I wouldn't put you in a big boy bed yet because you move so much when you sleep and I would be so worried about you getting out of bed in the middle of the night! But your new crib converts to a toddler bed and then to a big boy bed so we have plenty of time to make the transition. You still love bathtime, which is a nice treat. Nothing better than a warm bath and bubbles at the end of a long day! Now if we could just get you to stop drinking the bath water....

I know you don't fully grasp the idea that you have a little brother on the way. But you do enjoy lifting up mommy's shirt and giving love taps to the ever-growing belly. We tell you that your little brother is inside and to give him a big kiss. I know that you are going to open your heart to being the best big brother that you can be and that you will take good care of your new brother. Watching you with other little kids made me realize how much fun it would be to give you a sibling. That's one of the main reasons why we decided to have another baby so soon after you. There is a sense of amazement that comes over you when you play with another child and I wanted you to be able to enjoy that every day. I don't ever want you to think that we are replacing you or feel any sense of us loving you less because there is a new baby around. I can't possibly imagine loving anything in this world as much as I love you but I know that in time, you will love your baby brother as much as I love both of you. And even though there is a new sibling, you will always be my first baby, my first "head over heels, totally smitten" love. You will always be special because you will get to do everything first and be able to set a good example for your siblings. Thank you for being so patient with me while I am on bed rest. I know it is so hard sometimes when I can't pick you up and just know that it breaks my heart to not be able to do the things with you that I want to be able to do. But I promise to make it up to you after your new brother arrives. We will do so many fun things together this summer!

So my baby boy, you are no longer a baby anymore! You have entered in to the world of full-on toddlerhood and I couldn't be more proud of you. I love every second of being your mom and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. You fulfill my life in ways that I never imagined and you truly make me a better person. You are able to melt away stress and give me a new perspective on priorities in life. I will thank you every day for the rest of my life for giving me the gift of being your mother.
