Wednesday, April 29, 2009


No baby yet! But I officially hit 38 weeks yesterday.... 9 1/2 months pregnant and HUGE! I have a funny picture to post later. I wonder what it's like to go past your due date and go to 41 or 42 weeks. That must be crazy!! Of course part of me feels like I shouldn't be so anxious for little guy to arrive since I still technically have two weeks left, but given the fact that Jake was born FOUR weeks ago, this was quite honestly an additional month of being pregnant that I wasn't necessarily expecting. I did get my wish though -- to be nice and round and waddling around the office and Super Target. Paul and Jake and I went to the Leesburg Outlets yesterday and I definitely got some funny looks from people. I am pretty sure they were a little worried that I was going to collapse in labor at any time.

I feel like the baby has dropped.... kicks and pressure are lower than they had been before. If I sit and count the Braxton Hicks contractions, they are about every 10 minutes on the dot but they aren't progressing or painful, just a little uncomfortable. The swelling in my legs and feet is pretty bad. There are very few pairs of pants or shoes that I can wear at this point because everything is so tight. Sleeping through the night hasn't happened in a while either... I definitely wake up to go to the bathroom about every two hours on the dot. But all in all, I still feel pretty comfortable and mobile.

Only 5 more days left of work and 8 days until little guy's arrival!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our baby shower on Sunday! We had such a great time and are incredibly thankful for our wonderful friends and family. You all are the best. Some pictures below from the fun-filled event, and of course, some belly shots. (And thank you for all of the diapers! Those things will go fast!!)

Off Bed Rest and Full Term!

We're officially 37 weeks today and OFF bed rest!! Quite honestly, I can't believe that we made it this far. With Jake coming at 34 weeks, making it to 37 weeks seemed like a long shot but the perseverance of bed rest and the cerclage (and some praying and good wishes) obviously made all the difference. Speaking of, stitches came out on Friday! And for those of you who didn't think I would make it 24 hours or through the baby shower, haha, we did it! Now it's just a "wait and see/ any minute now" kind of situation... which is fun and exciting but makes me a little nervous when in public places or the car. (Do I really want to be THAT medical emergency on the side of the highway causing a traffic jam in rush hour traffic?? Hmmm... would make for a funny story I suppose.)

Being off bed rest means I went back to the office today for the first time in 14 weeks... Quite a few people (family, friends, and co-workers included) asked me why I went in. I don't think anyone would have questioned me staying at home at this point. I guess I felt like after 14 weeks of working from home that I could make the effort to come back in, even if it's just for a couple days. My team has worked so hard over the last couple of months and they deserved a nice lunch out :-) (Plus I have seriously missed Cheesecake Factory for the last 4 months.) So whenever anyone asked me what I was doing at work, I just told them I was killing some time! That seemed to do the trick. I will say that it felt weird being there... it seemed like I was just coming back from maternity leave but I am still carrying this little guy around!

I was planning on going into work this week and next week but I guess I'll be taking it one day at a time. My feet and legs are really, REALLY swollen and obviously not having them elevated during the day makes them even worse. For those who saw my swollen feet on Sunday, they are twice as swollen now. Next check-up is on Thursday. Hoping to hear that we're making some progress by then because I am about ready for this guy to make his grand entrance!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Piggie Piggie Oink Oink!

Video below is a typical example of Jake eating... though he was reaching and asking for the camera at the beginning. The funny part is at the end :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

The Grant/Gunning clan had a fabulous Easter celebration this year! Lots of good food and great company. The picture slideshow below shows some of the highlights to include Jake looking for Easter eggs, eating a huge chocolate bunny, and learning how to play golf with daddy. Motorcycle rides were also one of the main attractions -- Allison, Gretchen, Aunt Barbara, and Aunt Judith all participated in rides with my dad and Pete Pasquali. Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday!!

The Lovely Baby Bump!

Still growing!
35 weeks, 5 days @ Easter
(And you guys thought I wouldn't make it this long!)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Jake's First Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday Jake went on his first Easter Egg Hunt with Grandma and Aunt Allison! It's a big neighborhood event where Paul's parents (Kathy and Walt) live. This is Jacob's second Easter but last year he was only about 8 months old and not even really crawling too much yet so this year is much more exciting for him. Clips above from his fun experience with the eggs!! As you can tell from the pictures, it doesn't take too much to excite the little guy :-) He was beyond thrilled!

Goal Accomplished

As some of you know, I have spent the last 8 months studying to take the exam to get my PMP certification. It was a pretty rigorous process between applying to the Project Management Institute to even be accepted as eligible to take the test, as well as the prep class and studying on my own. Not that taking 8 months to take the test is the recommended path, but between getting pregnant and being extremely busy with a huge project at work, some of the studying fell to the wayside. Actually I don't think I even looked at my study materials in October and November because I felt so sick from the beginning of the pregnancy! I cut myself a break and decided to give myself until the end of March to take the exam.

Point being, I finally bit the bullet and took the exam last night. I so badly wanted to take and pass the test before baby #2 arrived. I knew I was cutting it close but better to try and at least know one way or the other if I needed to study more or if I was good to go. (And yes, I suppose I cheated a bit by being out of the house to take the exam when I am supposed to be on bed rest but I only have one week left of bed rest so cut me a little slack!) The exam was, well, interesting... I don't know if I would say it was tough from the perspective of knowing the terminology, process, and material. I felt like I knew what they were talking about in almost all of the questions. What made the test so hard was that almost every single question had 2-3 answers that seemed right and you have to know how to pick the BEST answer. Or none of the answers sounded right and you just have to make an educated guess based on material studied or real world experience. There were also a couple questions where I was just like, "what the heck is this...." and you guess and move on. But don't underestimate how grueling 200 multiple choice questions can be. After about 125 questions, it was hard to focus on the question being asked. I really felt like I never wanted to think about project management again!!

So I finished the 200 questions and reviewed my answers and hit the button to 'end exam' and immediately my heart started beating through my chest and I got a little shaky... and what screen pops up?!? One asking if I want to take a dang survey on my testing experience. WHAT?!? No, skip that please. Take me to my results! So after another painfully slow 30 seconds, I get the best screen in the whole world..... one that says CONGRATULATIONS, you passed!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who Wants a Little Baby Update?!?

I am 35 weeks and 2 days today. We had a check-up at the doctor's this morning and the baby is doing really well. Today was the final ultrasound to check the position of the baby (he is still head down), make sure there is still enough amniotic fluid around him, and check his estimated size. My doctor also checked my cervix -- no changes yet! Which as anxious as I am to just be like 1cm dilated, it's good that there isn't any action happening down there yet.

So the exciting news!

1. Even though I am 35 weeks/ 2 days, the size of the baby is 37 weeks! That doesn't mean my due date if off, it means that the baby is big! His estimated size right now is 7 pounds. Holy cow. I know that isn't huge for a newborn but given that Jake was only 5 lbs. 5oz. when he was born, it is going to be a completely different experience to hold a newborn that is already a couple pounds bigger! My doctor said the baby has a nicely sized head too, haha. (Good thing we opted for the c-section.....)

2. He is going to pull the stitches out a week from tomorrow! So next Friday the 17th is the big day I have been waiting for. No more bed rest! Plus it will be exciting to see what happens after the stitches come out. It's really 50/50.... some women end up going past their due dates after the cerclage comes out and some women go into labor within 24 hours. I am still hoping to go into labor on my own but am hoping for the beginning of May. But I promise to try and at least make it until after the baby shower on the 19th :-) Nothing like cutting it extremely close! The doctor said to make sure we have a full tank of gas in the car and the bag for the hospital packed and ready to go!

He decided to pull the stitches a little early because based on what he saw today, the placenta is only about a week away from being mature which is an indication that the baby is mature and can be delivered at any time without concerns about prematurity. He also said that since the baby is a good size that there wouldn't really be any worries if he comes in the next week or two. Plus, he wants me to stop taking the meds to ease the contractions so if I do go into labor on my own, it's much better that the stitches not be there.

My excitement has definitely been reenergized after this morning's appointment. I think Paul and I are both just so thankful that things have gone so well up to this point and have truly passed the "danger zone" of having an extreme preemie. If the baby were born today, he'd probably have to stay in the hospital for a couple extra days to make sure he is okay but anything around 36/37 weeks and we should be golden. And who knows, maybe this little guy will stick it out until the very end and be a May 7th baby!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Live!

I don't blog about work too much.... who wants to hear about Microsoft CRM and Microsoft SharePoint and Business Development Information Systems and Help Desks and metrics and business development councils? :-) (Sounds like an IT job, right? Yeah.... wrong! I manage my company's business development applications in a functional capacity with some sort of IT/technical knowledge thrown into the mix when needed. But I like it so that's what counts!)

Point being with the news to share is that I have been working on a major project to upgrade/enhance one of our applications (BOTS, yes those who know me well know BOTS!!) for about the last year or so (Nate -- if you're reading this, can you believe I upgraded BOTS AGAIN?? And yes, we still use the BOTS dog.... your everlasting legacy!!). The last 4 months have been pretty intense with the work to be accomplished (and working from home for the last 3 months) but I was bound and determined to finish this project before the baby came. Well, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! What an incredible relief (for me and my team probably!!). The new system went live last week and minus the initial (minor and expected) technical glitches, questions, suggestions, issues, etc. all went off pretty much without a hitch. It was sort of a running joke that the project go-live date was two days before when Jake was born (34 weeks 1 day) and I am pretty sure there was an unofficial bet going on as to if I would make it or not.

While the last week has been a little stressful at times (mainly because I get a little too personally/emotionally invested in the projects I manage sometimes), this week has been better and today I finally felt like I could *almost* take a huge deep breath and relax for a minute. So now I find myself sitting here thinking, oh my gosh, the baby could come at any minute now and it would actually be okay! I am going to enjoy dreaming about the baby for the next couple of weeks instead of work! But hopefully won't let myself think too long and hard about how nervous I am about being able to take care of two kids ;-)

I need to post some new pictures soon..... more to come. Will have to try and grab a candid of Jakers and his new "baby brother", Sam! (Contrary to Paul's wishes, I bought Jake a doll so he would have his own little baby to take care of... at least it is a BOY doll!)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Broke the Record!!

This is probably silly to most people, but it means a heck of a lot to me and Paul. We officially broke the record yesterday for having a longer pregnancy this time. Jake was born at 9:14pm at 34 weeks and 1 day. Today is 34 weeks and 2 days and no signs of this little guy trying to make his appearance any time too soon! I didn't feel like there was any imminent danger of going into labor yesterday and actually, it felt like it would have been way too soon for him to be born. (This coming from the woman who has been on bed rest for TWELVE weeks! I was only on bed rest for six weeks before Jake was born.) Anxious for him to arrive? Excited for maternity leave when it's warm outside? HECK YES!! But don't get your hopes up for anything to happen in the next couple of weeks and I'll try to do the same :-)