Thursday, January 28, 2010

Toddler Trick #2

M&M's work as a great bribe for going pee-pee on the potty. Lollipops are a wonderful trade for the nummy (pacifier). My kid's teeth might fall out, but at least he will be potty trained and won't have that THING in his mouth forever!

I never thought that I would have to negotiate so much with a pint size little guy, but I feel like I have mastered the tactics and usually prevail (usually!). I surprise myself with how calm I can stay in the middle of a tantrum, even in public, in front of a lot of people. I figure most of them just feel sorry for me! Luckily Jake is a pretty even tempered toddler and doesn't throw many fits.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Motor Mouth

When I picked up the boys from school today, Jake's new teacher made a comment about how much Jake talks and how it really helps the other kids in the room with their speaking and language. Given how far we have come with Jake's speech in the last 10 months, her comment about made my whole week (maybe month)!!

As an aside, I heard the teacher talking to another parent about her son being hurt during the day by another kid. I about held my breath hoping that Jake hadn't taken a swing at another child or thrown a toy... Luckily, not my son :-) No, not my sweet little Jakey!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fits of Laughter

Toddler Trick #1

Being 2 1/2 years old, Jake doesn't really understand "Mommy's busy, honey, wait just a minute or two." However, he DOES understand "Mommy's broken, Jake." And then when I am able to turn my attention to him again, "Jake, Mommy's fixed! Let's play!".

Monday, January 11, 2010

Big Boy Things

Sometimes I think that my little boys are going to stay babies and toddlers forever. Part of me wants them to stay that little forever! But their "big boy accomplishments" make life that much more exciting and rewarding.

Josh is now totally sitting on his own and can get back down on to his belly by himself when he wants to. He is crawling, albeit, an army low crawl of sorts. He gets his whole body into it and sort of looks like a confused worm at times, but boy can he make it quickly from one side of the room to the other. He has four teeth -- two big bottoms and two big top ones. Still a thumb-sucker at heart; he doesn't want anything to do with a pacifier (one less thing to worry about later). He is just getting over his first ear infection after a nasty cold but the little trooper still continued to sleep through the night! He is just about 18 1/2 pounds now ands 29 inches long... a bit chunkier than his big bro but just about as tall at the same age.

Jake is this walking and talking person now and blows me away every day with the words and phrases he is using. We're done with speech therapy as of the end of December -- he graduated since he was assessed at his correct age level. We came a long way from him being at 9-10 months verbally when he was 20 months old to be talking at a 28-30 month level at 28 months old!

And in other BIG Jake news, we're now "officially" potty training... pull-up training pants and the whole nine yards! He's been going pee pee on the potty for quite a while now (about 6 months) but he's going through the real deal now. It's great that preschool works with him Monday-Friday during the day! He is very encouraged to do it at school since most of the other kids in his classroom are potty training as well. We have 7 months to get him situated so he can move up to the 3 year old classroom in August!

Hopefully big things on the horizon for us at the end of this month. Keeping fingers crossed! (And no, that doesn't mean moving, getting pregnant, or anything with me changing jobs!!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas '09

This year's Christmas was surely a favorite so far but I know we have many more exciting ones to come as the boys get older. Jake was much more into opening gifts this year and had a great time hanging out with everyone in the family. Josh enjoyed the wrapping paper and bows!

On Christmas Eve we went to my parent's house to do presents and dinner. Nick and Chloe and Kelly joined us as well. We spent Christmas morning at our house opening presents with just the four of us... Jake got his first bike! Then we went to Paul's parents house to open more gifts with them and have Christmas dinner.

During this special time, we also want to take a moment to pause and remember how lucky we are to have what we have -- good health, fortune, and happiness. Spending this time with our boys and our families is what truly makes the holidays so special.

Enjoy pictures below!